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当日 7:30 つくばエクスプレス 守谷駅集合

8:00 守谷聖書教会にてミーティング・準備

9:00−16:00 作業予定時刻

17:30 守谷駅解散予定 


Work Day 7:30 Meet at Moriya station, Tsukuba Express Line

8:00 Orientation & Preparation at Moriya Bible Church

9:00−16:00 Volunteer workJousou area

17:30 One day-participants will be dropped off at the station. 


※ 前日宿泊を希望される場合は、お問い合わせください。守谷聖書教会もしくは近隣の教会に泊めていただくことができますが、都合により宿泊できない場合もございます。 

Please let us know if you want to stay over the previous night. You could stay at Moriya Bible

Church or other local church. 


Joso Relief of Flood


Volunteer Trip






10月24日㊏, 31日㊏

集合場所・時間: つくばエクスプレス「守谷駅」 7:30AM 

マイカー参加: 守谷聖書教会(茨城県守谷市百合ヶ丘 2-4804-2)

7:45 AM

Place & Time to meet: Moriya station, Tsukuba Express Line; 7:30 AM. If you are coming by car, come to Moriya SeishoKyoukai (Bible Church) by 7:45 each day.

Address: 2-4804-2 Yurigaoka, Moriyashi, Ibaraki 



募集人数: 各日5~8名 申込締切: 各日程の3日前、17:00まで①10/21 水 ②10/28 水 


Maximum volunteer number: 5-8 people each day 

Application Deadline: 5 pm, 3 days before the date you would like to join.

①10/21 Wed ②10/28 Wed (We will contact you by email or phone after your application is emailed). 


参加資格:以下の条件を守ることができる方 ・ボランティアとして、自らの行動に責任をとることができる方








Volunteer Conditions:

Volunteer is responsible for his/her own action.

Volunteer needs to pay attention and be considerate of disaster victims’ feelings. For example, you may not take pictures of victims unless you receive their permission.

Volunteer needs to be flexible to possible changes of plan for the team.

Volunteer needs to follow the leader’s instruction and respect the team work.

Volunteer needs to be 18 years old or above. Jr. & Sr. High School students need to be accompanied by parents/adults.

Volunteer needs to keep the facility tidy and clean.

Volunteer needs to agree and sign on the liability waiver. 


費用:1000円/人(募集日程ごと一律) (現地での交通費・機材費などに充てます。当日現金でお支払いください。)

※ 宿泊される方は、別途、1 泊につき500円お願いします。 ※ その他食費、入浴代、集合場所(つくばエクスプレス守谷駅)への交通費は自己負担 ※ ボランティア保険は各自で事前に加入して下さい。

最寄りの社会福祉協議会事務所で購入できます(月-土 9-17 時) 保険料(約700円)

持ち物: お金(食費等)、軍手、長靴あるいは運動靴、雨具、マスク、タオル、着替え

Fees:1000 yen /person You need to additionally pay \500 per night if you want to stay over at the local church.

You also need to cover your costs for foods, transportation to Tsukuba Express Moriya station, and other expenses such as going to the public bath afterward.

Please make sure to buy your insurance beforehand.

Volunteer insurance is available at the local “ShakaiFukushiKyougikai” office at 700 yen.

What to bring: money, gloves, boots or walking shoes, rain wear, dust mask, towel, clean clothes to change into


お申し込み方法: にメールにて以下の内容をお申し込みください。

お問合せ・連絡先: 090-5418-6392(壁谷あつし)

申 込 内 容 1.氏名(よみがな):







① 10/24 (土) 日帰り

② 10/31 (土)日帰り

※ 自家用車での集合を希望する場合は、その旨記載してください。


・ 加入済み(有効期限をご確認ください)

・ 未加入(自分で加入します) 最寄りの社会福祉協議会事務所で購入できます(月-土 9-17 時)

・ 未加入(代行加入を希望します)




How to apply:

Email the following information to this address.

Contact person: Atsushi Kabeya, 090-5418-6392

Applicant Information


2.Birth Date, Age:


4.E mail address:

5.Home Address:

6.Valid Driver’s License (if you have one):

7.Date you want to participate--Please clearly state if you want to stay over or not:

① 10/24 Sat 

② 10/31 Sat

※ Please let us know if you are coming by your own car.

8. Volunteer Insurance:

・ I already have insurance.

・ I do not have insurance, and I will get it by myself.

・ I do not have insurance. Please arrange for me to get insured.

(If you do not have any insurance, it is possible to get it at the volunteer site, but may take time and you may not get it within that day)

9. Other comments/questions:


Grace City Relief は、グレースシティチャーチ東京との共同プロジェクトです。申込み先はどちらも同じです。

This volunteer opportunity is organized by Grace City Relief, a joint partnership between Grace City Church Tokyo and Grace Harbor Church.

Contact : 壁谷篤 Atsushi Kabeya

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