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西日本豪雨 社会人 & 学生ボランティア 募集

West Japan Torrential Rain - Relief Workers Needed




We were very saddened to hear about the suffering caused by Japan's flooding.

Through Grace City Relief, we will participate in support activities in Kure-shi, Hiroshima prefecture. We are looking for ten volunteers--five men and five women.
Even if you are not able to volunteer, please donate money or pray for those who have been affected.


2018年8月5日㊐〜 8月10日㊎
※ 2泊3日以上のボランティア参加必須

Participation is required in this event over 2 nights/3 days.


お申し込み方法: 申し込みフォームからお申し込みください。

How to apply: Use the application form






You must be 18 years old or over to attend.

Both Christian and Non-Christian volunteers are welcome.

You must be able to speak or communicate in Japanese.


募集人数: 男女各5名  Ten volunteers--five men and five women


申込締切: 7月28日 ※受付中!!

Application Deadline: July 28th (Applications are still open)


参加費 *自己負担:交通費・食費・ボランティア保険


Fee: Pay one's own expenses (transportation expenses, meal fee, volunteer insurance)

If you are a college student, we will support your transportation expenses. Please contact us.


< グレースシティリリーフから提供するもの >

< Supplied by Grace City Relief >

Gloves, mask, first-aid outfit, stock of drinks, tools for vorlunteer work etc.

参加資格:以下の条件を守ることができる方 ・ボランティアとして、自らの行動に責任をとることができる方






Volunteer Conditions:

Volunteer is responsible for his/her own actions.

Volunteer needs to pay attention and be considerate of disaster victims’ feelings. For example, please do not take pictures of victims unless you receive their permission.

Volunteer needs to be flexible to possible changes of plan for the team.

Volunteer needs to follow the leader’s instruction and respect the team work.

Volunteer needs to be 18 years old or above. Jr. & Sr. High School students need to be accompanied by parents/adults.

Volunteer needs to keep the facility tidy and clean.

Volunteer needs to agree and sign the liability waiver. 


8月6日(月)〜 8月10日(金)
※ 2泊3日以上のボランティア参加必須

①    全参加
8月5日(日)18:00             広島駅集合
→8月6日-10日             ボランティア(5日)

→10日(金)18:00              広島駅解散
②    部分参加(前半)
8月5日(日)18:00           広島駅集合
→8月6日-8日               ボランティア(3日)
→8日(水)18:00                広島駅解散
③    部分参加(後半)
8月8日(水)18:00           広島駅集合
→8月9日-10日             ボランティア(2日)
→10日(金)18:00              広島駅解散

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