GHC Retreat 2018
恵みによって変えられる|Grace Changes
小学生 :¥11,000(1泊のみ¥6,000)
4歳以上 :¥ 9,000(1泊のみ¥5,000)
4歳未満 :¥ 2,000(1泊のみ¥1,000)
【Date】September 22 - 24
【Place】Nihon Bible Home 6289-14, Fujiwara, Minakami, Gunma)
Adult (Junior high - ):¥15,000 (¥8,000 for partial attendance)
Elementary :¥11,000 (¥6,000 for partial attendance)
4 years old- :¥9,000 (¥5,000 for partial attendance)
Under 4 years old :¥2,000 (¥1,000 for partial attendance)
【Registration】 From the registration form (Deadline: 9/3)
【Tranceportation】You will have 3 options. Choose one and let us know through the registration form.
①Car Share with Rental car: You can go to Bible Home from Toyosu together by rental car. Cost will be around ¥7,000 - ¥7,500. Let us know by August 20th if you are interested.
②Train & Shuttle bus: Train & Shuttle bus: If you come to Minakami station by train, you can use the free shuttle bus to Bible Home.
③Others: Others: Choose this option if you will come to Bible Home by your own.