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Good Friday Service 2017



It is the good friday service inviting ABC Ballet Company to perform the passion story of Jesus. Please come and see what happened to Jesus three days before the Easter, the story of Jesus' passion and love.



18:30 開場 Open
19:00 開演 Start

場所(Location) : 豊洲シビックセンターホール 

                  江東区豊洲2-2-18 豊洲シビックセンター5F

        Toyosu Civic Center Hall  

        2-2-18 Toyosu Kotoku (5F)


※ 参加料は無料ですが席数に限りがあるため、事前申し込みをお願いしております。There will be no charge to attend the serivice, but we ask each to register as there are the limmitted number of seating. 


※ お子様連れでも大丈夫ですので、ご家族でお楽しみください。 It is open for children as well, so please enjoy with your family. 



Good Friday Service 2017




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