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12/24 クリスマスイブキャンドル礼拝

Christmas Eve Candle Service



Join us on Christmas Eve for a candlelight service in Tsukishima. Come and enjoy the candles, the heartful music, and a Christmas message.  

日時 Time:12/24 (金) 17:00~18:30

場所Location: 銀座松竹スクエア   1F ホール

  Ginza Shochiku Square 1F Hall
  Tsukizi 1-13-1, Chuo, Tokyo

料金 Charge: 無料 No Charge


申し込み Sign up:


2022 クリスマスイベント
Christmas Services and Events


Please join us for our 2022 Christmas services and events! Here is the information about them. 

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12/25 クリスマス礼拝

          Christmas services


We are going to gather all at once, instead of having two services, to celebrate Christmas! We are going to have an after party too as we had before Covid this year!


9:30-11:00  クリスマス礼拝 Christmas Worship Service
*対面+Zoomハイブリッド礼拝 (Hybrid service with in-person and Zoom)
*ハーバーキッズなし (Without Harbor Kids)

場所Location: 銀座松竹スクエア   1F ホール

                Ginza Shochiku Square 1F Hall
                Tsukizi 1-13-1, Chuo, Tokyo

11:30~13:30 祝会 Christmas Celebration Party

場所 Location: シュマッツ 銀座松竹スクエア店

                     東京都中央区築地1-13-1 2F


                     SCHMATZ Ginza Shochiku Square 

                     2F Tsukizi 1-13-1, Chuo, Tokyo

​費用 Fee: (中学生以上大人) \2,000

              (4歳以上小学生まで) \500

申し込み Sign Up:

オンラインでの参加はこちら (Sign up for online attendance):

​​​​© 2023 Grace Harbor Church Tokyo

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